Alina Barlow, Founder of Alinka Fine Jewellery

Meet Alina Barlow, Founder and Director of Alinka Fine Jewellery which has recently opened their second boutique at 25 Martin Place.

Discover Alina's story on taking risks, following your passion and who her ROAR model is.


Motherhood can be challenging, and it feels like there’s never enough hours in the day. How do you navigate you-time with such a busy schedule?

Balancing motherhood and running my own business is certainly challenging at times. However, I do find there is a lot of truth in the saying if you want something done give it to a busy person.  I find prioritising tasks and setting myself achievable daily to do list really helps me been efficient at work and balancing my family life. I also do schedule “me time” into my diary which usually means going to my yoga practice a few times a week which I consider essential for my creativity and mental health. 

As mums we see our kids for who they are, how do you teach your kids to rise up and roar?

I find the best way to teach my kids is leading by example. Be the change you want is one of my favourite principles of living. It is not always successful, but I try my best every day. 

What has been the most difficult part of motherhood so far for you?

I don’t have one particular example for this, but I would say every stage of motherhood has their own challenges that may seem the most difficult at the time but then kids get older, and the challenges get bigger…. Small kids small problems… big kids big problems right? 

Your jewellery pieces are driven by a rebel heart and innate uniqueness, are these also qualities you encourage your children to embrace?

Most certainly. I encourage my children to listen to their heart and follow it. I encourage them to discover and follow their passions and to stay true to their authentic self no matter the peer pressure. 

You graduated as an accountant but deep down always wanted to pursue your creative side in jewellery designing. What was that one moment in your life when you said, I can do this! 

When I was old enough and brave enough to follow my passion and most importantly when I realised, I believed I would be successful. To be exact it was now close to 10 years ago… but when faced with challenges or rejection I keep reminding myself “I can do this” … I would say this happens a few times a week…

How would you describe motherhood in one word…


Motherhood is ...

One of the most amazing things in life.

As Kurt Hahn once said, there is more in us than we know. What would you say to your teenage self now?

Dream big. Sky is the limit. Believe in yourself and simply have a go!

Tell us who you would celebrate this Mother’s Day for being your ROAR model and why?

My mother. She is my true inspiration. I learn from her every single day. She is the most gracious, smart, elegant, insightful, strong woman I know.