Emily Wilson, Managing Director of Future You

25 Martin Place is the centrepiece of Sydney, where visitors embrace fashion, dining, business and culture.

We interviewed Emily Wilson, Managing Director of executive recruitment and search firm Future You, located in the 25 Martin Place Tower.

Discover how Emily juggles a successful career and family life, how she is a mentor to many on their own career journeys and who her ROAR model is.


Being a successful career woman with two kids would mean juggling many hats in a week. What tips can you share for self-care when you feel over- whelmed?

Remember to keep perspective on family first and the importance of friendships. Always try to look to the bright side and understand what brings you joy and make time for it every day.

You have been an inspiration and guide to many already in their careers as a mentor-mum. What’s the highlight of seeing your clients rise up and ROAR in their career journeys? 

I get the most satisfaction and happiness from lifting others up, especially as we grow ourselves. The highlight is coaching someone in a situation they may feel unconfident in and with my support they do something they may not have thought possible. Going for their dream job and helping them be confident enough to secure it.

How would you describe yourself in three words?

Loyal – Fun - Driven - to be my best and give my best

Your grandmother had a big influence in your life, raising her own boys during life in World War II, and living a colourful life into her 90s. How has her life journey influenced your own life journey so far?

My Grandma, who lived such a long, full life, was a big influence and inspiration. She balanced resilience with femininity and encouraged us to speak what is on our minds, balanced with always having good manners.

As Kurt Hahn once said, there is more in us than we know. What would you say to your teenage self now?

Hold yourself close to the people that you trust, who have your best intentions at heart and who you can grow with together.

Tell us who you would celebrate this Mother’s Day for being your ROAR model and why?

With my mum. She raised me to be brave enough to always give things a go and to have a sense of joy and fun. These traits have enabled me to live my best life and to forge deep and meaningful friendships, who I can share what is on my mind and support each other through everything.